Join us for Disney Trivia Sunday 28th July

Do you know the answer? Do you love Disney trivia? Then you need to join us live on Sunday, July 28th for What’s This?

The first multi-channel live stream game show where anyone can play and win!

This episode will be streaming to the following YouTube channels: Interactive Realm (@interactiverealm), Signs of Amusement (@signsofamusement), Expedition Steve (@expeditionsteve ), Leaving Today Podcast (@leavingtodaypodcast) and Heyman with Jayman (@heyman_with_jayman), Middle Aged Magic (@shaz_middleagedmagic, @disneyqueen1971) and maybe more.

Follow this link to watch and play on our YouTube channel:

#livestream #gameshow #trivia #disneytrivia #disney #disneyland #whatsthis #playandwin #youtube